Friday, March 5, 2010

Day # 15 March 5th – Service
Dallas Willard says “Service to others in the spirit of Jesus allows us the freedom of a humility that carries no burdens of “appearance.”  Service goes back to humility (Day 11) with a purpose.  We are taught that if we work hard enough, and study hard enough (for ourselves) we can achieve enough money, fame, notoriety to “have it made” so others can serve us.  The truth is that this attitude enslaves us to wealth, fame, and notoriety, and makes us do the tasks those “accomplishments” require.  The idea of independence does not free us, it imprisons us.  Jesus teaches the truth, which runs completely counterintuitive to this idea in Matthew 20:25-28 or in Mark 8:34-37.  Willfully serving God, and serving others is what frees us because in serving God we receive reward, and in serving each other we learn true love and true greatness.  Find a way to serve God, or others today.  Clean off snow from someone else’s car/driveway.  Take down your neighbors Christmas light (it’s about time they were down any way).  More importantly dedicate your life to serving others, not getting others to serve you.  Soup kitchens, homeless shelters, prisons, food pantries, and many more places are full of broken people waiting to experience the loving hands of God and another person.  Serve someone today, and write down what it was, how it went, and how you feel.  

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